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Tooth extractions are painful because your tooth roots have nerves. This is why your dentist will use an anaesthetic before performing a tooth extraction. This means that you should not feel pain during the extraction procedure. Let’s take a closer look at the question ‘does tooth extraction hurt’ and what you can do for pain management.


Why Toothache Hurts

When you experience dental pain as a result of a cavity, it is because the nerve in your tooth root is irritated. Being concerned about tooth extraction pain is common when you are feeling a lot of discomfort because of a cavity. If a tooth extraction is recommended by your dentist, you can rest assured that it will address the pain, although you may feel some discomfort after your tooth has been pulled.


Tooth Extraction: How It’s Done Painlessly

In the majority of cases, local anaesthetic is usually all that is required to make the extraction as comfortable as possible.

Dental implants SydneyIn rare cases, complete sedation may be used however this is typically only when you have a complex extraction or you are having multiple teeth pulled at the same time.

If you have sensitive gums or you are in a lot of pain due to toothache, your dentist may even rub a topical numbing ointment over your gums before injecting the local anaesthetic so you do not feel the needle penetrating your gum tissue.

A local anaesthetic will stop you from feeling pain during the extraction, however, you will still feel some sensation of pressure as your dentist works to extract your tooth.


Does Tooth Extraction Hurt: How To Manage Pain After Tooth Extractions

Once the local anaesthetic has worn off, you may feel some discomfort as your gum tissue heals. You will be given some gauze to bite down on to stop the bleeding. After tooth extractions, the gum tissue will go through a phase of inflammation, after which a blood clot forms and the gum tissue starts to grow around the socket again.

It’s essential to follow your dentist’s post-surgical care instructions after extraction so you can heal quickly.

The most common cause of severe pain after you have had a tooth extracted is due to a phenomenon called ‘dry socket’. This occurs when the blood clot is dislodged from the socket, exposing the bone. It usually happens by touching the site with your tongue or finger, or it can be dislodged if you drink too fast or drink beverages that are too hot.

Over-the-counter pain medication and holding cold compresses to the side of your face can help to alleviate the pain and inflammation that you may experience after tooth extractions. Any pain you feel should improve in the days following your extraction. If you experience new or worsening pain, you should contact your dentist immediately as it could indicate the presence of an infection.

If you have questions about ‘does tooth extraction hurt’ or would like to know more about postoperative pain management, it’s best to speak to a professional. Please contact us for an appointment: (03) 5749 1208.



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